# 用途:
可廣泛適用于遺傳工程、分子遺傳學、微生物學、 生物制品畜牧醫學衛生、藥品藥物的研究和。還可適用于衛生防疫部門,食品行業、紡織、石油橡膠、 探礦行業,考古文物鑒定,公安痕檢、假幣假票的,適用于凡是需要進行熒光分析和的部門。是從事 現代科學研究部門,檢驗部門的常用儀器。
# 技術指標:
(1)電源電壓:220V 頻率50HZ
(2)上面折射紫外光源:短波254nm長波365 rlm
(3)上面折射紫外光源功率:60W 15W×2x2
(6)光源功率:12 0W 15W×8
(8)可見光燈管4W 1支
(11)重量:6.5 kg
There are two ultraviolet sources with the wavelength of 254 nm and 365 nm which are installed respectively on both sides of this instrument and one set of visible light source which is installed on the one side. A ultraviolet source with middle wavelength of 302 nm is adopted as a transmission source. The light tubes are arranged tightly. A camera can be allocated in the instrument if need. When applying this instrument to observe or photo the bands of DNA and RNA, the distictness can be compared with that of same type instrument produced abroad and the shadow of the light tubes which is always appeared on the photo film will be wliminated because the ultraviolet light with various wavelength is applied in this instrument. After referring to the advantages of the same type instrument produced abroad and to the various proposals suggested from the users, this instrument for the experimental and analysis purpose with muLti- functions and multi-users was finely designed and manufactured. There are two ultraviolet sources with the wavelength of 254 nm and 365 nm which are installed respectively on both sides of this instrument and one set of visible light source which is installed on the one side. A ultraviolet source with middle wavelength of 302 nm is adopted as a transmission source. The light tubes are arranged tightly. A camera can be allocated in the instrument if need. When applying this instrument to observe or photo the bands of DNA and RNA, the distictness can be compared with that of same type instrument produced abroad and the shadow of the light tubes which is always appeared on the photo film will be wliminated because the ultraviolet light with various wavelength is applied in this instrument. After referring to the advantages of the same type instrument produced abroad and to the various proposals suggested from the users, this instrument for the experimental and analysis purpose with muLti- functions and multi-users was finely designed and manufactured.
This instrument can be widely applied to beredity engineering molecular heredity, micro-biology, biological products, animal husbandry, medical sanitation and the researches and checking of medicines. This instrument can be also applied to epidemic prevention, food industry, textile industry, petroleum and rubber industry, mining, archaeology, check of the historical relic, detective trail check and checking of false er money. After all, this instrument is applied to the divisions which are engaged in fluorescent analysis and checking. This instrument is a necessary for often application to the divisions which are engaged in modern science research and examinations.
(1) voltage of supply 220v AC, 50Hz
(2) ultraviolet sources on both sides 254 nm
(short wavelength) 365 nm (long wavelength)
(3) power 60w 15w x2 x2
(4) filter plate 70 x 200mm
(5) transmission source on the bottom 302 nm
(middle wavelength)
(6) power 120w 15w x 8
(7) filter plate 150 x 200 mm
(8) Visible lightlamps 4W 1 piece
(9) life of the light tubel000 hr
(10) size 380 x 260 x 340mm
(11) weight 6.5kg
(12) Camera bracket 1
⑴ 電 源:220V,50Hz
⑵ 光 源:可見光,日光燈8W 功率:40W,壽命在1000小時左右。
⑶ 紫 外 光:310nm,5×15W 功率:75W 壽命在1000小時左右
⑷ 濾色片面積:150×200nm,磁白玻璃面積,150×200mm。
⑸ 外形尺寸:360×350×100
⑹ 重 量:15kg。
ZF-501AB Type Multi-function Ultraviolet Ray Transmitting Apparatus is a new-generation experimental analyzing apparatus successfully researched and manufactured elaborately by many specialists after collecting suggestion from wide customers,summing up apparatus manufacturing experience for many tears,comparing with the advantages of oerseas similar apparatuses and combining. The successful research has offered a mew tool for the modern science and research in China.
ZF-501AB Type Multi-function Ultraviolet Ray Transmitting Apparatus can be widely used in research and appraisal of PCR Engineering,Genetic Engineering, Genetics, Microbiology, Biology,Biological Products,Pharmaceutical Hygiene,medicines,What’s more,it also applies to the appraisal of cultural relic by Hygiene & Epidemic Prevention Department,Foods,Textile,Petroleum Rubber Chemical Engineering,Prospecting, Archaeology Department,the examination of counterfeit money by public security and all organizations need to analyze and examine fluorescent light.It is a necessary apparatus for examining and supervising departments.
ZF-501AB Type Multi-function Ultraviolet Ray Transmitting Apparatus has been set ultraviolet ray source of 254nm and 365nm at each side,and perceptible light at one side. The transmitting Ultraviolet Ray source applies with 310nm Ultraviolet Ray source. The light pipes are put in tight order.The apparatus could be allocated with photographic apparatus.
After appraising by certain ministries,all generally acknowledge that the apparatus could not only anti-shoot materials and pictures with perceptible light but greatly improve the clearness of examined articles when using the Ultraviolet Ray source at both sides.When observing and photographing belts of DNA and RNA,thanks to the new technique of ultraviolet ray with all kinds of waves and tight order,the clearance level could reach to the level of overseas similar apparatus without the phenomenon of leaving pipe shadow on photographic plates.It is really an experimental analyzing apparatus with multi-usage and function.
⑴ 電 源:220V,50Hz
⑵ 光 源:可見光,日光燈8W 功率:40W,壽命在1000小時左右。
⑶ 紫 外 光:310nm,5×15W 功率:75W 壽命在1000小時左右
⑷ 濾色片面積:150×200nm,磁白玻璃面積,150×200mm。
⑸ 外形尺寸:360×350×100
⑹ 重 量:15kg。
The assisting (EDAS290、120) kodak image forming system can be used in the examination and photography of (DNA、RNA), protein and enzyme field(or Thin Layer Analysis).It applies to Science & Research Organization and senior schools engaging in Organism Engineering, Biology,Organism Chemistry,Pharmaceutical Hygiene, Biological products,Medicine factories,Agriculture,etc.
l、該儀器是我廠參照了國外的紫外線儀器,并廣泛征集了廣大用戶的建議后,精心設計制造的新一代小型暗箱式紫外分析儀。它采用全封閉設計,樣品室采用開啟式,并有透明玻璃的觀察窗。使用該儀器時,可預防紫外線對使用人員的傷害。本儀器采用2支8W254nm和2支8W 365nm的紫外燈管,紫外濾光片的面積為150mm×70mm,使用時可單獨使用短波波長或長波波長,或者同時使用兩個波長,本儀器大的特點是全封閉設計,可隨開隨用,電耗功率小。在科學實驗中,它可以檢測如蛋白質、核苷酸等的必要儀器。在藥物生產和研究中,可用來檢查激素生物堿,維生素等各種能產生熒光藥品質量,它特別適宜作薄層分析和紙層分析斑點和檢測。在紡織化纖行業中,可測定不同種類的原材料和成品的質量,在食品部門,可檢測黃曲霉素等毒素,本儀器如需要用熒光分析和檢測的部門都可以使用。
customers, our factory elaborately designed and manufactured this kind of new-generation small-scale obsure type of ultraviolet analyzing equipment. It applies all-sealing design, open style of sample room and transparent observing windows which canprevent damage of ultraviolet ray from people. Each ultraviolet light pipe with 8W254nm and 8W365nm has ultraviolet ray filter of 150mm x 70mm square meters which couldbe use separately by shore wavelength or long wavelength or both. The largest featureof the appliance is all-sealing design, to be used at all times, low power consumption and long-time using.
In scientific experiments, it is a necessary appliance to examine protein and. Inmanufacture and research of medicines, it could be used to check all that could create fluorescent medicines such as hormone organism alkali vitamin. It is most suitable to analyze spots on thin and er ; testing quality of original materials and finished products of different kinds; examining toxins like by foods organization and all other institutes engaging in fluorescent light analysis and appraisal.
The appliance is widely used in:examining all that could create fluorescent medicines such as protein,in science research;alkaline vitamin in hormone organism in medicine research; analyzing spots on thin and er ; machinery like dyestuff,coating, rubber, petroleum;appraising all kinds of fluorescent materials,fluorescent indicator and additive;examining quality of finished products like wool,manmade fixture,cotton in textile chemistry;testing quality of food additive,deteriorating vegetable,fruit by food bureau;checking different mineral and recognizing cultural relic fossil by archaeology department.
The appliance using 220v for elec.source,the working elce.source is 140° MA ,the using lifespan of lamp pipe is about 500 hours and the transmitting rate of ultraviolet filter 20%.
ZF-7A 雙波長
ZF-7B 365nm單波長
ZF-7C 254nm單波長
ZF-7D 310nm單波長
電源: 220V
頻率: 50Hz
功率: 16W
Using ultraviolet ray to do fluorescent light analysis and apraisal is now widely applied. The ZF-7 Hand Ultraviolet Ray Examining Lamp manufactured by our factory is a kind of small-scale ultraviolet ray analyzing appliance better seen is China. Applying with electronic integrated piece starting light source,the appliance is small and convenient to use at all times which wins favorable comment by wide customers after it’s born. The appliance can be used in examining DNA-E·B and DNA Stripe Belt of CsCl Density and Gradient Centrifugal Pipe. Moreover,it could also be used in Organism Genetic Engineering,Molecule Genetic Engineering,Medicine Hygiene,Biological products,Pharmaceutics Research,Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention,Dyestuff Chemistry,Textile,Public Security and politics & Law Bureau,Cultural Relic Archaeology Organization,and all other lnstitutes engaging in fluorescent light analysis and appraisal.
Type ZF-1 An Ultraviolet Analysis Instrument For Three Purposed
⑴ 在科學實驗工作中檢測,許多主要物質如蛋白
⑵ 在藥物生產和研究中,可用來檢查激素生物堿,維生素等各種能;產生熒光藥品質量,它
⑶ 在染料涂料橡膠、石油等化學行業中,測定各種熒光材料,熒光指示劑及添加劑,鑒別不
⑷ 紡織化學纖維中可測定不同種類的原材料。如羊毛,真絲人造纖維,棉花,合成纖維,并
⑸ 在糧油,蔬菜,食品部門,可用于檢查毒素。(如黃曲霉素等)食品添加劑,變質的蔬菜、水果、可可豆舫、巧克力、脂肪、蜂蜜、糖蛋等的質量。
⑹ 在地質、考古等部門,可起到發現各種礦物質,判別文物化石的真偽。
⑺ 在公安部門可檢查指痕測定密寫字跡等。
This instrument consists of an ultraviolet lamp with the type of ZSZ-6-A and an ultraviolet lamp with the type of ZSZ-6-B and the filters.The lamp of ZSZ-6-A emits the light with short wavelength of 254nm and the lamp of ZSZ-6-B emits the light with long wavelength of 365nm. This instrument can also emit the two lights mixed with the wavelength mentioned above.
Low power consumption.
Low thermal effect caused at the parts of the instrument.
The operation can run continually and be lasting for a long time.
The most advantages are:
The operation starts immediately when switch on.It is very convenient to switch on and switch off frequently optionally.
Provides the intensive ultraviolet lights of 254 and 365nm for the fluorescent analysis by means of that the lights emitted from the ultraviolet lamps and the visible light is filtered by passing through the filters.
⑴ Detect various substances such as protein and nucleotide,etc,at the scientific experiment areas.
⑵ Examine the qualities of various medicines which can emit fluorescence at the medicines production and development such as hormone,alkaloid,vitamins,etc.This instrument is particularly suitable to undertake the spots analysis and detecting for thin- chromatography and er chromatography.
⑶ Examine the various fluorescence emitting materials,fluorescence indicators and additives,distinguish the different crude oil and rubber products at the enterprises engaging in chemical products such as dyes,coating,rubber,petroleum,etc.
⑷ Examine the different raw and processed material such as wool,real silk,rayon, cotton,
synthetic fiber,etc and check the ouelities of their products at the areas engaging in textil chemistry fiber,development.
⑸ Check the toxin(such as flevacin),food additive,spoiled vegetables,fruits,ca-ca-os fat,
chocolate,fat,honey,sugar,eggs,etc at the departments engaging in food,oil and vegetables development.
⑹ Discover various minerals and distinguish the real of false for the histonical relics and fossils at the department of geology and archaeology.
⑺ Check the fingering trails and characters trails written in secret at the publis security bureau.