Kestrel 5200手持式氣象儀是一款專門為建筑、HVAC(空調暖通)行業設計的一款氣象儀,是上一代Kestrel 4200和Kestrel 4300的升級產品,具體相同的值得信賴的準確性,可靠性和可用性。憑借其完整的環境測量套件以及專門為HVAC、建筑業、農業所設計的特殊功能,Kestrel 5200比同類型競爭產品性能更加,可作為相關行業人員的工具。
NK5200(Kestrel 5200)氣象儀(建筑暖通行業)
? 測量:蒸發速率、空氣流量、空氣體積、空氣密度、相對空氣密度、Delta-T等
? 大屏幕,高分辨率,高對比度,數據圖表顯示,在明亮的陽光下具有較好的可讀性,具有背光,可以夜晚使用。
? 手持便攜式氣象站,具有數據存儲功能,數據制表功能。
? 可選由Bluetooth Smart® 提供的LiNK,可以通過無線與手機或電腦進行連接
? 堅固耐用(跌落測試符合MIL-STD-810G標準),完全防水(防護等級IP67),能夠漂浮在水上。
? 配件包含:保護袋,頸繩,AA鋰電池 2年保修。
Kestrel 5200手持式氣象儀是一款專門為建筑、HVAC(空調暖通)行業設計的一款氣象儀,是上一代Kestrel 4200和Kestrel 4300的升級產品,具體相同的值得信賴的準確性,可靠性和可用性。憑借其完整的環境測量套件以及專門為HVAC、建筑業、農業所設計的特殊功能,Kestrel 5200比同類型競爭產品性能更加,可作為相關行業人員的工具。
新款的Kestrel 5系列手持式氣象儀,增加了許多新的功能和選項。如果您對Kestrel 4200和Kestrel 4300比較熟悉的話,就會對其大屏幕、高分辨率、高對比度和字體的可讀性等印象深刻。Kestrel 5系列同樣包括一個內置的雙色背光,強的聚碳酸酯鏡片和AA電池供電,并提供可選的LINK iOS和Android無線連接。像所有的Kestrel手持式氣象儀一樣,Kestrel 5200通過了跌落測試,防塵測試,防水測試等,能抵御惡劣環境而不會損壞。
Kestrel 5200具有的計算功能,能夠輸出的氣象數據,使得您能夠輕松的獲得您所需要的氣象環境數據。除了實時測量當前的環境數據,Kestrel 5200可以跟蹤并記錄過10000組帶有時間戳的數據,這些數據可以通過無線方式傳輸到移動設備上,也可以通過Kestrel LiNKDongle或者USB Data Transfer Cable傳輸到PC / MAC上(單獨出售)。
Kestrel 氣象儀已經在地球上一些惡劣條件的考驗。美國特種,戰斗氣象隊、荒地消防隊員,火災撲滅,埃佛勒斯峰探險和汽車維修人員只是少數人依靠該向他們提供他們需要的關鍵的環境數據。颶風期間看天氣頻道,你一定能發現行動中的Kestrel。技術人員已經為他們的工具箱的常年采購Kestrel,知道他們將提供他們需要立即和可靠的讀數。施工管理人員在世界各地都依賴于他們的Kestrel保證工作場所的安全和符合成本效益的混凝土澆注。農民知道該表可以幫助他們避免財產損失,大限度地提高生產力。
? 空氣密度
? 空氣流量
? 海拔高度
? 大氣壓力
? 密度高度
? Delta T
? 露點溫度
? 蒸發速率
? 熱度指數
? 濕度比 (Grains)
? 相對空氣密度(RAD)
? 相對濕度
? 壓力
? 空氣溫度
? 濕球溫度
? 風寒
? 風速
Kestrel 5200應用范圍:
? 建筑和混凝土
? 農作物噴藥
? 教育和教學
? 設施管理
? 飼養和農業
? 空調暖通
? 生態修復
? 科學研究
Windows和Mac Kestrel鏈接
?Windows Kestrel鏈接
簡單的通信,Windows和Mac電腦是通過可選的鏈接提供。USB適配器或USB數據傳輸線。下載您的數據以查看、分析和歸檔。使該Kestrel 系列5米的固件更新。
IOS和Android Kestrel鏈接
?iOS Kestrel 鏈接
?Android Kestrel 鏈接
與iOS和Android設備無線連接。當在范圍內,查看實時測量,接收屏幕上的警報,并下載您的數據。登錄的數據可以被查看,分析,歸檔和共享通過電子郵件,臉譜網和推特。使該Kestrel 5系列的固件更新。注:范圍高達100的視線-減少墻壁和障礙物。
·Kestrel 5200氣象儀:0852hvg
·Kestrel 氣象儀鏈接:0852lhvg
Kestrel Meter 5200 Professional Environmental Meter
The Kestrel 5200 Pocket Weather Meter is Kestrel's Professional meter with the intended markets of construction, pouring concrete, balancing HVAC systems, and spraying crops. It gives quick calculations for your job with integrated specialty calculations. With the new LINK technology, you can get readings right to your smartphone up to 100 feet away!
Kestrel 5200 available in:
?High Viz Green: $269
? High Viz Green with LINK (Bluetooth): $329
The Kestrel 5200 upgraded and combined functions from the Kestrel 4250 & Kestrel 4300 in November of 2015.
What's new with the Kestrel 5200 over the previous Kestrel 4250 & 4300 series:
?Bluetooth LINK work with PC/Mac via Dongle
?Bluetooth LINK to Smartphones / Mobiel / Android / IOS
?Takes 1 AA battery (instead of 2 AAA)
?Battery door is in the back, sealed away from the motherboard, should your battery leak as was common with all the 4000 series
?Improved high resolution screen for any lighting (even sunlight) and easy on your eyes.
?Intuitive user-interface screen navigation
?Multiple Languages: English, French, German, Spanish
?Scratch and breakage-resistant window
?All meters include both options of Red (NV - Night Vision) & White backlights.
?Slightly bigger, not really noticeable difference
?Roughly 10,000 data points.
The Kestrel 5200 has these distinct monitoring functions over the other 5000 series:
? Measures evaporation rate: lb/ft2/hr / kg/m2/hr
? Air Flow: CFM, m3/hr, m3/m, m3/s, L/s
?Delta T
?Relative Air Density:
? Air Density: lb/ft3, kg/m3
These added features make the 5200 the choice of farmers, construction, and HVAC.
Delta T allows you to accurately assess acceptable spraying conditions to ensure you're within guidelines and help you select the right spray nozzle. The Kestrel 5200 calculates and logs on-site Delta T without any additional user input. Based upon ambient temperature and dew point, Delta-T provides guidance on the evaporation rate of sprayed chemicals. When combined with the Kestrel 5200’s average wind and max wind gust measurements, agriculture professionals can ensure they spray safely, every time. Use an accessory carry pouch to keep your Kestrel handy on your belt, ready to go before any spraying operations.
Farmers need a host of other environmental measurements, all of which are at the tips of your fingers with a Kestrel 5200. Use the volume air flow measurement to assess barn ventilation systems. Monitor temperature, humidity and heat index to ensure your animal facilities and feed mixtures are set up for maximum productivity. Measure micro-climates on your farm to ensure crops are sited where mold and disease will be minimized.
Volume air flow couldn’t get any easier than this. Simply input the duct shape and dimensions and traverse the Kestrel 5200 across the duct. You’ll get instantaneous and average volume air flow without the need for any geometry or calculations. readings that greatly assist in commissioning and performance balancing HVAC systems. While not a replacement for a balometer, the Kestrel 5200 is far less expensive and can save you time and money. The Kestrel 5200 also offers every commonly-used measurement of moisture content in air, making life easy to determine dehumidification needs.
The Kestrel 4200’s Evaporation Rate calculator allow you to enter the temperature of your concrete mix (from a probe or IR thermometer), then measure conditions at the pour site. The Kestrel 5200 has the American Concrete Institute Evaporation Rate nomograph built in, and displays the Evaporation Rate right on screen with no calculation or error-prone interpolation. With that information in hand, decisions about additives to the mix or curing adjustments can be made, prevent costly plastic shrinkage cracks of the slab. Plus, the Kestrel 5200 allows you to monitor wind-loading on booms and cranes, and even track the heat index on your work site to keep your workers safe.
Pair the Kestrel 5200 with the optional Kestrel Vane Mount for hands-free measurements logged over the course of the day. And for maximum functionality, choose the Kestrel 5200 with LiNK to transmit live measurements to your phone or tablet when you’re within range. The Kestrel LiNK app will provide s on your mobile device to let you know when conditions have changed.
Data Connection
If you select the Bluetooth Kestrel LINK model, your meter includes custom communication software designed to quickly and easily configure your data transmission frequency, download logged data, graph data and transfer data to other applications. It is no longer necessary to purchase an interface separately, the new Kestrel Meters with Bluetooth include the software necessary to communicate wirelessly at a range of up to 100 feet with a clear line of site (walls or obstacles will effect this range).
Note, you will need a Dongle to connect with your computer. A workaround if you don't have this with you would be to upload your data to your mobile smartphone and email it to yourself and open it on your Mac/PC. On the 4000 series you did not need the Dongle.
Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀
Kestrel 5400手持式氣象儀可信和準確的手持式、便攜式、WBGT(濕球溫度)的測量工具和環境數據記錄器。不需要蒸餾水,笨重的地球儀,設置復雜或昂貴的設備。獲得準確的測量,不能簡單:只要持有該熱應力跟蹤感興趣的區域中的瞬時和平均WBGT測量。國旗和大聲警告蜂鳴器設置適當的高溫閾值,明亮的LED燈和屏幕上的警告危險的條件下提供即時通知。Kestrel 5400連預編幾個體育、工業和軍事方針進一步緩解設置過程。
NK5400(Kestrel 5400)熱應力氣象儀
Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀產品介紹:
對人體和環境監測的下一代來的Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀。
Kestrel 5400可信和準確的手持式、便攜式、WBGT(濕球溫度)的測量工具和環境數據記錄器。不需要蒸餾水,笨重的地球儀,設置復雜或昂貴的設備。獲得準確的測量,不能簡單:只要持有該熱應力跟蹤感興趣的區域中的瞬時和平均WBGT測量。國旗和大聲警告蜂鳴器設置適當的高溫閾值,明亮的LED燈和屏幕上的警告危險的條件下提供即時通知。Kestrel 5400連預編幾個體育、工業和軍事方針進一步緩解設置過程。
不像其他的WBGT市場上,Kestrel 5400是一個功能齊全的天氣表以及。測量風速,大陣風,溫度,濕度,壓力,風寒,密度高度和更多。不管你的活動、Kestrel 5400提供了洞察影響安全的臨界條件,業績和。Kestrel 5400鏈路的無線數據通信增加了一個跟蹤風向以及指南針,擴大其可用性包括危險品的響應,并在跑道逆風甚至測量!
Kestrel 5系列平臺提供了一個大的,高分辨率和字體的可讀性緩解對比顯示。它還包括一個內置的雙色背光,強的聚碳酸酯鏡片,AA電池操作和隨意連接iOS和Android的無線連接和應用支持。像所有的Kestrel 5,防摔,防塵,防水,能夠承受惡劣的環境而不損壞–所以它可以在任何地方使用需要保持運動員、工人、軍人和動物安全的熱損傷。
用免提測量在實際過程中可選的Kestrel 5400對葉片安裝、培訓或工作日。和大的功能,選擇Kestrel 5400鏈路傳輸實時測量你的手機或平板電腦在你的范圍內。對于iOS和Android的應用程序也會顯示警報Kestrel的鏈接在您的移動設備讓你知道當形勢變得危險。
除了測量當前環境條件、Kestrel 54000跟蹤和記錄過10000集的時間戳數據。你的數據記錄可以移植到iOS和Android設備有無線鏈路的無線通信選項和Kestrel 鏈接應用程序,或一個Windows / Mac設備與附件Kestrel鏈路適配器或防水USB數據傳輸線(無論是單獨出售)。
Kestrel 已經在地球上一些惡劣條件的考驗。美國特種,戰斗氣象隊、荒地消防隊員,火災撲滅,埃佛勒斯峰探險和汽車維修人員只是少數人依靠該向他們提供他們需要的關鍵的環境數據。Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀已被美國,用美國海軍,運動訓練,甚至在波士頓的馬拉松比賽組織者。在市場上沒有真正可比的環境安全監測工具。通過你的團隊或工作場所的佳安全做法和添加該熱應力跟蹤你的工具包。
Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀技術參數:
NK 5400主機、保護蓋、頸帶繩、電池
Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀測量參數:
Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀應用范圍:
Windows Kestrel鏈接
·Windows Kestrel鏈接
簡單的通信,Windows和Mac電腦是通過可選的鏈接提供。USB適配器或USB數據傳輸線。下載您的數據以查看、分析和歸檔。使該Kestrel 5的固件更新。
iOS和Android Kestrel鏈接
·iOS Kestrel鏈接
·Android Kestrel鏈接
·Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀(橙色):0854ora
·Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀(TAN):0854tan
·Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀+風葉(橙色):0854vora
·Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀+風葉(灘):0854vtan
·Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀盤和鏈接+風葉(橙色):0854lvcora
·Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀和鏈接+風葉(灘):0854lvctan
Kestrel 5400熱應力氣象儀標準配置:
Kestrel Meter 5400 Heat Stress Tracker
Models & SKUs:
(Tripods sold separately)
?Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress (Orange): 0854ORA $479
?Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress + Vane Mount (Orange): 0854VORA $529
?Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress + Vane Mount (Tan): 0854VTAN $529
?Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress Pro with Compass and LiNK + Vane Mount (Orange): 0854LVCORA $599
?Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress Pro with Compass and LiNK + Vane Mount (TAN): 0854LVCTAN $599
What's new with the Kestrel 5400 over the Kestrel 4400/4600 it replaced in late 2015:
As for weather reading features, they will be the same. You won't get a 'better' temperature reading, wind reading, etc, or even more readings than available on the 4400/4600... still the same quality USA made meter backed by a 5 year warranty. That being said there are some pretty outstanding updates.
?Flag warnings via loud buzzer & LED beacon!
?Bluetooth LINK works with PC/Mac via Dongle
?Bluetooth LINK to Smartphones / Mobiel / Android / IOS
?Takes 1 AA battery (instead of 2 AAA)
?Battery door is in the back, sealed away from the motherboard, should your battery leak as was common with all the 4000 series. All 5000 battery doors are the same and interchangeable.
?Slightly larger and improved higher contrast / resolution screen for any lighting (even sunlight) and easy on your eyes.
?Intuitive user-interface screen navigation
?Multiple Languages (English, French, German, Spanish)
?Scratch and breakage-resistant window
?All meters include both options of Red (NV - Night Vision) & White backlights.
?Slightly bigger, more robust, though not really noticeable difference.
?Roughly 10,000 data points. 4000 series all had under 5000 data points.
The Kestrel 5400 is revolutionary in size, cost and capability for those in need of measuring Heat Stress. Available with or without LiNK (Bluetooth) and / or a compass.
Along with having a Wet Bulb Global Temperature reading, the Kestrel 5400 displays thermal work limit (“TWL”), another recognized composite heat stress prediction tool. For both WBGT and TWL, the Kestrel 5400 provides on-screen alarms when conditions enter the caution and danger zones, providing clear and immediate guidance that heat illness prevention steps must be taken. Clothing levels can also be customized, making the Kestrel 5400 particularly useful in activities requiring heavy protective gear which worsens heat stress. The Kestrel 5400 also displays natural wet bulb temperature, and black globe temperature.
Athlete deaths from heat exposure are on the rise. Warming summers have been accompanied by weekly reports of athletes young and old collapsing from severe heat-induced illness. Our military training units struggle to keep soldiers healthy while preparing them for the grueling heat of Iraq and Afghanistan. OSHA is campaigning to prevent heat illness in outdoor workers and reports that every year thousands of workers become sick working in the heat, and some even die. In every instance, accurate and localized measurement of heat stress conditions is a key component of a heat illness prevention plan. The Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress Tracker, new from NK, answers this need.
Human heat stress results from a combination of many environmental factors – air temperature and humidity along with radiant heat from the sun and surfaces, balanced by the cooling effect of breezes or air flow. Anyone who has stood under welcome shade adjacent to a sizzling parking lot understands that these conditions must be evaluated exactly where peoples’ activities are taking place. The most common composite measurement used to determine appropriate exposure to heat stress conditions is Wet Bulb Globe Temperature or “WBGT.” The American College of Sports Medicine, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, and the US Military all have published threshold limit values (TLV’s) or reference guidelines for conditions, activity levels and hydration d on WBGT, clothing levels and acclimatization of participants.
?通過購買一個固件升級,kestrel 5700運動員可以轉換為完整的kestrel 5700精英以更的極長距離的特征集。
彈道氣象儀的下一代來的kestrel 5700運動員氣象儀應用彈道。
kestrel 5700運動員在功能齊全的彈道計算器的巨大價值。提供相同的可信的準確性,可靠性和可用性,原有的kestrel5700運動員天氣表,這個綜合氣象儀和彈道解算器猜測遠程射擊是一種理想的伴侶和射擊獵人在他們的彈丸音速飛行的范圍內工作。
kestrel 5系列平臺提供了一個大的,高分辨率和字體的可讀性緩解對比顯示。它還包括一個內置的雙色背光,強的聚碳酸酯鏡片,AA電池操作和隨意連接iOS和Android的無線連接和應用支持。像所有的紅隼紅隼5700米,運動員是防摔,防塵,防水,能夠承受惡劣的環境,不損害–可以陪你到范圍或尋找未來。一系列的進袋選項使它把你和你還有5700的運動員更容易。
買kestrel 5700運動員鏈接和免費獲得的kestrel鏈接彈道程序的權力。建立和管理你的槍/彈剖面和下載到你的kestrel 5700運動員出發之前。在范圍或匹配,確保你的kestrel 5700運動員三腳架使用可選的kestrel葉片安裝和使用應用程序來快速調整目標距離和角度的拍攝方案和風沒有離開你的射擊位置的玫瑰。這就像有一個氣象學家和彈道站在你旁邊而你拍。
除了彈道解算能力,kestrel 5700運動員和測量的主要環境條件測井綜合氣象儀:風速、風向、溫度、濕度、熱指數、壓力和海拔高度。成對的葉片上,kestrel 5700精英成為一個緊湊的,易于部署的氣象站。你的數據記錄可以移植到iOS和Android設備有無線鏈路的無線通信選項和kestrel鏈接應用程序,或一個Windows / Mac設備與附件kestrel鏈路適配器或防水USB數據傳輸線(無論是單獨出售)。
kestrel已經在地球上一些惡劣條件的考驗。美國特種,戰斗氣象隊、荒地消防隊員,火災撲滅,埃佛勒斯峰探險和汽車維修人員只是少數人依靠該向他們提供他們需要的關鍵的環境數據。颶風期間觀看屏幕上的任何氣象學家,你一定能發現行動中的紅隼。與Kestrel 5700的運動員,你可以把準確的射擊方案和環境測量在手掌你的手,在你的冒險需要你。
Kestrel 5700應用范圍:
Android和iOS kestrel鏈接彈道
Windows kestrel鏈接
?Windows kestrel鏈接
iOS和Android kestrel鏈接
?iOS kestrel鏈接
?Android kestrel鏈接
?kestrel 5700運動員氣象儀應用彈道:0857sbrn
?kestrel 5700運動員氣象信應用彈道與鏈接+葉片安裝:0857slvbrn