風速,溫度,氣壓和密度高度只是影響戶外活動的幾個條件。 如果您計劃在元素外面花費任何時間,那么了解期望的天氣非常重要,這樣您就可以做出相應的準備。
在不同海拔高度,通過密集的刷子或靠近水道的戶外旅行期間,環境條件可能會有所不同 - 即使訪問實時,準確的天氣數據,無論冒險在何處結束,都能為您提供優勢。 在范圍內,在湖上,在樹林中,或在營地后面 - 配備一個輕量級的kestrel氣象儀或數據記錄儀,以便隨時了解您的情況。
Improve your game by knowing your conditions.
Wind speed, temperature, barometric pressure, and density altitude are just a few of the conditions that can impact the success of your outdoor activity. When you’re planning to spend any length of time outside in the elements, it’s important to know what weather to expect so that you can prepare accordingly.
Environmental conditions can vary during an outdoor excursion when traveling across different altitudes, through dense brush, or near waterways - having instant access to real-time, accurate weather data gives you the advantage no matter where the adventure ends up. On the range, on the lake, in the tree stand, or back at camp - be equipped with a lightweight Kestrel meter or logger to always know your conditions.
作為獵人,你需要知道子彈的確切軌跡,這樣你才能一次性地進行有效,人道的殺戮。 Kestrel 5700 Ballistics Meters通過測量密度高度,溫度和風等環境條件,并為首次置信提供的瞄準解決方案,幫助您實現這一目標。它還計算相對于目標方向的側風效應 - 在練和學如何讀取風時非常寶貴。經過跌落測試,防水且非常耐用,紅寶石可以方便地放在您的背包或卡車后部,而不用擔心損壞。
Long Range Hunting
As a hunter, you need to know the exact trajectory of your bullet so you can make an effective, humane kill in one shot. Kestrel Ballistics Meters help you do just that by accurately measuring environmental conditions such as density altitude, temperature, and wind along with providing precise aiming solutions for first shot confidence. It also calculates the crosswind effect with respect to a target direction - invaluable when practicing and learning how to read the wind. Drop-tested, waterproof, and extremely durable, the Kestrel can be conveniently tossed in your pack or the back of your truck without fear of damage.
箭頭的大側面區域使其比其他狩獵射彈更容易受到風的影響。 即使5-10英里/小時的側風也需要風補償或箭頭選擇調整。 你可以放下一簇草來估算風 - 或用kestrel風速儀測量風速達到+/- 3%的準確度。 kestrel甚至計算出相對于目標方向的側風效應 - 在練和學如何閱讀風時非常寶貴。
Archery & Bow Hunting
The large side surface area of an arrow makes it far more subject to wind drift than other hunting projectiles. Even 5-10 MPH of crosswind requires wind compensation or arrow selection adjustment. You can drop tufts of grass to estimate the wind - or measure the wind speed to +/- 3% accuracy with a Kestrel. The Kestrel even calculates the exact crosswind effect with respect to a target direction - invaluable when practicing and learning how to read the wind.
當你知道天氣 - 現在和近的過去時,弄清楚魚會咬的時間會更容易。 特別是在淺水和淡水中,水溫,氣壓和由風引起的表面擾動的微小變化都會影響魚類的喂食。 當壓力上升或下降時,魚類活動將增加,使更明亮或更快的誘餌更有效。 Kestrel 2500風速儀是的釣魚伴侶。 它測量所有這些參數,包括水溫 - 只需浸沒防水裝置并點擊“保持”以保存溫度。 此外,它足夠耐用,可以在結束時折騰到你的釣具箱里。
Figuring out when the fish will bite is easier when you know the weather - now, and in the recent past. Especially in shallow and fresh waters, slight changes in water temperature, barometric pressure and surface disturbance caused by wind all influence when fish are feeding. When pressure is rising or falling, fish activity will increase, making brighter or faster lures more effective. The Kestrel 2500 is the perfect fishing companion. It measures all those parameters, including water temperature - simply submerge the waterproof unit and hit "hold" to save the temperature. Plus it's durable enough to toss into your tackle box at the end of the day.
Varmint活動受風,氣壓變化和降水的影響很大。 僅舉一個例子,在暴風雨過去之后,隨著氣壓上升,可以計算出土狼活動的增加。 大多數varmints在遠距離獵殺,需要教育彈道選擇和熟練閱讀風。 使用Kestrel 3500,kestrel5000或Kestrel Weather&Ballistics Meters進行下一次varmint狩獵的猜測。
Predator & Varmint Hunting
Varmint activity is heavily influenced by wind, barometric pressure change, and precipitation. As just one example, coyote activity can be counted on to increase with rising barometric pressure after a storm front has passed. Most varmints are hunted at long range, requiring educated ballistics choices and skillful reading of the wind. Take the guesswork out of your next varmint hunt with a Kestrel 3500, 5000 or Kestrel Weather & Ballistics Meters.
特別是在進出偏遠地區時,了解天氣至關重要。 小型飛機或直升機的安全操作需要準確且新的密度高度,風速,氣壓,露點和海拔高度的本地讀數。 新款Kestrel 5500還具有側風和逆風/順風計算器,使其成為飛行員在極端條件下著陸的伴侶。
Bush Piloting
Especially when flying in and out of remote locations, it's critical to know the weather. Safe operation of a small plane or helicopter requires accurate and up-to-the-minute local readings on density altitude, wind speed, barometric pressure, dewpoint and altitude. The new Kestrel 5500 features a crosswind and headwind/tailwind calculator, too, making it the perfect companion for pilots landing in extreme conditions.
風速會影響動物聽到和聞到的聲音,導致它們在風速增加時不那么活躍。 溫度會影響動物的舒適度,如果它太冷或太熱,就會限制它們的活動。 風寒和熱應力可以更好地指示風或濕度如何影響動物溫度的“真實感覺”。 對于大多數游戲,活動水平將隨著氣壓而上升或下降。 kestrel5000可以跟蹤天氣趨勢,并為您提供計劃何時何地捕撈的當前條件。
Animal Behavior
The wind speed affects how well animals can hear and smell, causing them to be less active as wind speeds increase. Temperature influences the animals' comfort, restricting their activity if it's too cold or warm. Wind chill and heat stress give an even better indication of how the wind or humidity may influence the "real feel" of temperature on the animal. For most game, activity levels will rise or fall along with the barometric pressure. A Kestrel 5000 can track weather trends and give you current conditions to plan when and where to hunt.
Product Recommendations
Kestrel DROP D3 Wireless Temperature, Humidity & Pressure Data Logger
Kestrel 3500NV Pocket Weather Meter with Night Vision
Kestrel 5700 Ballistics Weather Meter
Kestrel 5000 Environmental Meter
Kestrel 5700 Ballistics Weather Meter
Kestrel 5700 Elite Weather Meter with Applied Ballistics
Kestrel DROP D3 Wireless Temperature, Humidity & Pressure Data Logger
Kestrel 1000 Pocket Wind MeterKestrel 1000
Kestrel 2500NV Pocket Weather Meter with Night VisionKestrel 2500NV